Are CBDs Not Effective On You? Find Out Why

If you are here reading this article, chances are that you have tried CBD before but you didn't notice any effect.

CBD has recently become popular, especially as a so-called "buzzy wellness product". Not all states have legalized its consumption, but where it is legal, the trend is pretty visible. You might have noticed CBD lattes and facial products, as well as lotions and oils including this substance.

And to test it out, you bought one or more of such products but were disappointed to find that you got no effect at all. You might be wondering what is wrong with you or you might even be convinced that the whole hype around CBD is not more than a trend or a scam. But here's the good news, even if you've tried several products without seeing any effects, you are not the only one.

Because it is a more common problem than you might think, we've prepared this essential guide to help you have a clearer understanding of the possible reasons why aren't cannabidiol products effective on you.

What Is CBD

Let's start with the basics. Before getting deeper on the causes which might result in CBD products being ineffective on you, you should have a good understanding of what cannabidiol is and what it does. Indeed, to test the effectiveness of this substance on your body, you should at least be familiar with what you should expect when consuming it.

If you don't know it already, cannabidiol, often shortened to CBD, is a component of the Cannabis plant, that's being associated with several medical benefits. The substance is naturally occurring and added to edible products or oils to produce a feeling of relation.

It is important to stress out that CBD does not get you "high", as it is a nonpsychoactive component, contrary to the tetrahydrocannabinol, more simply referred to as THC. It is a common misconception for many, so don't worry if you are not very familiar with the distinction yet.

It is important to clarify that CBD is one of the two main substances of the cannabis plant and the one that won't produce any effects like euphoria or alteration.

What Are CBDs Used For

For this article, all you need to know is that the effects of CBD are different from those of THC. People are using cannabidiol (and have been using it for centuries) to treat several diseases and conditions. The most common uses include the treatment of inflammation, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, and seizures. Many people are extremely satisfied with the results of CBD and its efficiency to fight some chronic conditions and for some, it might be the only option that has brought noticeable results.

Remember that before treating any medical condition with CBD, you should always contact your doctor, to get some advice on whether cannabidiol might be a good option for you. This is extremely important if you are taking other medications, as you might be suffering from serious side effects if you fail to take the right precautions. Indeed, it is well-known how CBD interacts with several drugs, including supplements and over-the-counter drugs.

Why Isn't CBD Working For You?

There can be several reasons why CBD is not working for you. To help you understand what might be the cause, here is a list of the most common and probable reason why you don't notice any effects after using CBD products.

1. Your CBD Product is Of Poor Quality

If you haven't purchased your CBD product (whatever it is) from a reputable source, it is highly likely that it is a bad quality product.

Think about where you bought your oil or brownie, before generalizing and start believing that the hype about CBD is a scam. Indeed, with the growth in CBD's popularity, shops and companies seem to be popping up everywhere. However, before buying a CBD product, you should ensure it is made of high-quality cannabidiol. Indeed, because the Food and Drugs Administration has not approved the prescription of CBD products in any way, there aren't any quality standards to meet when selling such products. This means that to sell CBD products, there is no need for accurate labeling, for instance. Some scammers are taking advantage of the lack of regulations and sell low-quality products.

You might be surprised to learn that one study only found 31 percent of CBD products containing the same amount of CBD as advertised on the label. But with the vast option on CBD products, how can you tell whether you are buying a quality product or not? Here are some tips that might be useful to help you make sure you are buying a product that will live up to your expectations, or at least comply with what it promises.

  • Choose products whose labels include evidence of third-party lab tests - lab tests are useful in checking the amount of CBD contained in the product and the quality of the substance used. Before buying a product you are not familiar with, make some research to find out whether there are any available test results you can check.
  • Read consumer reviews - Reading reviews from other consumers can be extremely helpful to gain a better idea about the brand's effectiveness, the reliability of the customer service, and the delivery times. Make sure you check on websites like Leafly, CannaInsider, and CBD Oil users to get a good overview of customers' perceptions of the product you are planning to buy.
  • Choose to buy from established brands - Before buying a CBD product, and especially if you are a first-time user, you should check the established brands available to you. Some popular brands include CBDistillery and Lazarus Naturals, but make your research to find out more options. Choosing to buy from an established brand will increase your chances of getting a high-quality product, with the right substances on them and with the right standards. Also, you won't have to worry as much about trustworthiness.

It is common for CBD users to try several brands before choosing the one that works best for them and chances are the same will apply to you. Don't stop at your first try, keep searching until you find a product that brings you the results you are looking for.

2. You Are Not Getting The Right Dosage

Finding the right dosage of CBD is not as easy as it sounds. Each person is different, with unique biology that results in different reactions and effects. So the tricky part here is to figure out how to find the right dosage for you.

To do so, you should start with a low dosage, and gradually increase it, until you find the ideal dosage that brings you the effect you are looking for. Some people get CBD daily, as it can stimulate their endocannabinoid system and, in turn, make their bodies more susceptible to CBDs.

If you are looking to find your dosage, it can be extremely helpful to keep a journal and record your results. Measure how much you are taking and write down the effects you are experimenting, for example, keep track of how you are feeling at several time intervals.

By taking the habit of accurately and consistently record on your journal the different effects you notice with different dosage, you'll get a good picture of how CBD can affect you.

It is important to note that you can build a tolerance to CBD, just like any other drug or chemical. That is to say that if after some time what used to work doesn't work as well anymore, it is normal. All you need to do is to take a few days of break from the product, to reset your system, which will allow you to re-start with a low dosage.

3. You Are Not Giving It Time

You should not expect an immediate effect when using CBD, as it is not as common. Many people have to take cannabidiol for several weeks or months to notice the effects. Indeed, to take CBD and have the effects you expect, you should commit to dedicate time to it, to explore the different dosage, and have a clearer view of the long term effects of such a substance.

So, give it time before assessing whether or not the CBD product you are taking is affecting. When you are not seeing a result after a few months, maybe it is a good idea to try a different brand. Go back to your journal to remember whether you experienced some changes with that brand, if not simply change it and see.

Yes, it can be frustrating to try different brands and products without results, but be patient and don't give up: the next great brand might be behind the corner.

4. You Need To Change The Channel You Are Taking Your CBD From

With the new trend of CBD, it seems new products are popping out every month (if not weeks). Some common forms include tincture, essential oils, capsules, and edibles, but you can find pretty much everything nowadays. If you have been trying a particular product without getting effect, it might be your body needs a different form.

Here is where bioavailability plays a role. Bioavailability in this case essentially refers to how much CBD can get in your blood. Different products will have a different bioavailability, as your digestive tract might absorb a part of the substance, letting only a smaller part of your system. Other products, such as those assumed sublingually are getting directly to your bloodstream, meaning that you could get quicker effects.

So depending on the kind of effects you are looking for, you might have to change how you are taking your CBD products. Choose the right products for the kind of relief you are trying to find and you'll be able to get better results.

5. Your Level Of Absorption of CBD Is Lower

Yes, CBD has become increasingly popular recently, but that doesn't mean it works the same way for everyone. For sure it is far from being the magic drug that will solve all of your problems.

Some people find out that CBD doesn't work on them. If that's the case for you, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you. The level of absorption and the reaction to CBD depends on several factors such as genetics, the body's biochemistry, and your metabolism. Everybody is different and not all substances have the same effect on everyone. Some people have a genetic mutation that allows them to produce more endocannabinoids, meaning that they might not see much difference when taking CBD. This is where the right dosage might have an impact. 

In any case, it is always best to consult your doctor before making decisions that might affect your health. If you have some chronic condition you are trying to treat with CBD without success, ask about what other options are available for you.

The Bottom Line

CBD has become increasingly popular over the past decade. However, it is not as well researched and regulated like other medications, which is why you should stick to established brands if you are looking to have some.

What it is true is that with CBD there is no such thing as a standard dosage which will bring you immediate results. Everyone is different and it will take some time and research before you see results. This also means that you might have to incur additional costs when switching to different companies and trying different products.

If you have tried CBD with no effect, do not give up trying or looking for alternative products or brands. Indeed, you might have to try different samples of brands and forms to take CBD, as not everything has the same effect on everybody. Also, unlike other drugs, with CBD you won't get any immediate results, which is why patience and recording your feelings and the effects you explore is important to determine whether what you are taking is being effective or not.

Still, if you have been trying different things without any results, try to figure out why it is not working for you using this essential guide we put together for you.