Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disease that can cause a variety of health problems, including male infertility. In recent years, a widely studied biomolecule known as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has attracted the interest of researchers as it is thought it may have the potential to ameliorate diabetes-induced male infertility.

How does NMN affect men? What are the benefits and effects of NMN for men? This article will explore how NMN plays a role in this regard and the potential benefits associated with other health issues.

(NMN restores testicular abnormalities and increases sperm count by increasing glucose utilisation in a diabetic mouse model.) Emphasis added: Treating mice reverses diabetes-induced constriction of the seminiferous tubules. The seminiferous tubules are where sperm are produced in the testes. By restoring the testicular abnormalities associated with diabetes, NMN increases sperm counts.NMN reduces sperm cell death and increases important enzymes that utilise sugar, glucose, and energy (glycolysis) in diabetic mice. The International Diabetes Foundation predicts that by 2045, about 10 per cent of the world's population will have type II diabetes. Men with diabetes typically suffer from decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and sperm abnormalities, which can lead to infertility. Although diabetes medications such as pioglitazone and metformin have shown some promise in restoring sperm function, more effective medications and possibly adjunctive therapies are needed to restore fertility in diabetic men.

Published in the Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, treatment of diabetic male mice with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) improves testicular structure and function and increases the abundance of live spermatozoa. In addition, the team showed that NMN restored the size of the tubes in the testes where sperm production occurs, and that key enzymes that utilise glucose for energy have increased in number to improve testicular health. These findings suggest that NMN can reverse male infertility triggered by diabetes.

Research have found that NMN can help improve sperm quality and increase sperm count and motility. This could be a key improvement factor for people with diabetes.

I. NMN reverses diabetes-induced testicular dysfunction

The researchers treated the mice with a chemotherapy drug called streptozotocin, which is toxic to pancreatic cells and is known to induce type II diabetes in mice. Their diabetic mouse model showed a significant reduction in sperm count and a higher proportion of abnormal sperm.NMN treatment reversed the reduction in sperm count and abundance of abnormal sperm in diabetic mice.

To study the ability of NMN to restore testicular structure in diabetes, the team examined the size of tubes in the testes called vas deferens, which produce sperm precursor cells (spermatozoa) in the testes. Type II diabetic mice had significantly reduced vasculature area and diameter compared to non-diabetic mice, but NMN repaired these defects. Because structural integrity confers functional capacity, these findings suggest that NMN may reverse diabetes-induced male infertility.

Since type II diabetes is associated with impaired glucose, which fuels cells during glycolysis, the team examined the abundance of key glycolytic enzymes in the testes. While enzyme levels were significantly reduced in the testes of diabetic mice, NMN restored their abundance. These results suggest that NMN restores glucose utilisation in the testes of diabetic mice, which may provide the cellular energy needed for spermatogenesis, potentially reversing infertility.

II. Reversing male infertility caused by diabetes

Antidiabetic drugs such as pioglitazone and metformin can restore glycolysis in the testes, thus potentially restoring fertility in men with diabetes. The team suggests that NMN may offer another way to restore male fertility. Future studies should examine how pioglitazone, metformin and NMN compare to restore fertility in diabetic men. Healthy diet and exercise also offer ways to combat the effects of diabetes and potentially restore male fertility. In any case, the possibility of NMN restoring fertility in diabetic men means that people of childbearing age with diabetes may soon have the option of having children.

III. nmn has a significant role in improving male fertility

For those who suffer from diabetes, many diabetics have more or less reproductive problems. This is due to the fact that diabetes can damage our testicular tissues, which can lead to a decrease in sperm quality and problems with sexual function, and even lead to infertility. Taking NMN can increase the level of NAD+ in the body, which can help to regulate the metabolic level and insulin in the body.

IV. NMN reduces insulin sensitivity problems

Research have shown that NMN diabetics often suffer from reduced insulin sensitivity, which may be associated with male infertility.NMN is thought to improve intracellular levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which in turn enhances insulin sensitivity. This effect may have a positive impact on ameliorating diabetes-induced male infertility.

V. NMN can help reduce oxidative stress

Diabetes is often accompanied by an increase in oxidative stress, which can have a detrimental effect on male fertility. NMN acts as an antioxidant and can help reduce oxidative stress and maintain a healthy state of sperm, thus helping to improve male infertility.

VI. NMN helps regulate the immune system and vascular health

People with diabetes are often characterised by impaired immune system function. NMN is thought to help regulate the immune system and improve immune function, which in turn helps reduce chronic inflammation. Diabetes can damage blood vessels, leading to problems with erectile function. Studies have shown that it can improve blood vessel function and increase blood flow, which may be beneficial in improving erectile function and quality of sexual life.

The above is about the benefits and functions of taking nmn for men. In conclusion, while NMN has shown some potential to improve male infertility caused by diabetes, diabetics should always manage their disease under the guidance of their physician and carefully consider any potential supplements. However, NMN, as a promising biomolecule, provides an interesting direction for researchers to explore new ways to improve male infertility. With further research, we may gain a better understanding of how NMN can play a role in this area, thus providing more hope and solutions for diabetics.