Hormonal imbalance occurs when we have too little or too much of one or more hormones in our bodies.

Hormones play a very important role in regulating our health, and the slightest hormonal imbalance can already cause many problems. This is because the hormones produced by the endocrine system are vital in sending messages to the various organs of the body and advising them on what to do and when they should do it, such as our overall metabolism, blood pressure, reproductive cycle, stress management, mood, etc.

Both men and women are prone to hormonal imbalances. Women are susceptible to imbalances in their progesterone and oestrogen, while men can suffer from testosterone imbalances. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance vary depending on the hormone affected, but they include weight gain, acne, reduced libido, thinning hair and more.

There are also a number of health problems that can cause hormonal imbalances. These include polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes mellitus, endocrine gland tumours, Addison's disease, and hyper- or hypothyroidism.

The endogenous cannabinoid system plays a role in regulating our hormone production.

CB1 and CB2 receptors, two cannabinoid receptors, are found throughout the body. They can bind to the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Both tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) bind to these hormones in the body, helping to stabilise the endocannabinoid system, which regulates hormones through the many functions it supports: appetite, pregnancy, mood, fertility, immunity and overall immune dynamic balance.

The link between endocrine processes and the endocannabinoid system (the endocannabinoid system) has been confirmed by research. "We know that the endocannabinoid system plays a role in maintaining homeostasis in the body. It also ensures that our bodies operate within a narrow range of operating conditions; what is called homeostasis in the body," says Dr Mauch. "The ECS is known to regulate stress, mood, fertility, bone growth, pain, immune function, etc. CBD interacts with endothelial cells and many other receptors in the body," she said.

There are numerous studies that show how cannabis can help regulate hormonal balance. These studies document how the body experiences recovery after using CBD or cannabis with THC, due to the fact that when cannabinoids interact with neurotransmitters in the brain, it helps to correct any hormonal excesses or deficiencies.

Here are some of the hormone-related disorders that cannabis can treat.


Millions of women around the world suffer from the pain associated with their periods. Whether it is a mild pain or a debilitating one, the cannabinoid CBD helps to relieve PMS pain. Most of these cases of menstrual pain are due to the fact that women experience an increase in prostaglandins and a decrease in progesterone during menstruation, which leads to more inflammation, as well as making women more sensitive to pain and causing uterine contractions, cramps and vasoconstriction.

Studies have shown that CBD helps reduce pain and inflammation caused by dysmenorrhoea because it interacts with neurotransmitters. In addition, women suffering from chronic pain and headaches have found that CBD can relieve pain. Other studies have shown that CBD effectively inhibits the production of COX-2, an enzyme that triggers the production of prostaglandins. the lower the level of COX-2, the less pain, cramps and inflammation occur.

Thyroid hormones

The thyroid is the name given to an important endocrine gland located at the base of the neck. The gland is vital for the regulation of many other hormones that can affect major bodily functions as well as heart health, bone density and metabolic rate. In addition, the thyroid gland is connected to the brain and all functions function well when the body is in balance.

However, thyroid dysfunction can occur in the context of hyper- or hypothyroidism, which in turn can lead to many other health problems. As the endocannabinoid system also helps to regulate the thyroid, the use of cannabinoids may help to manage the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. Research analysing the link between CBD and thyroid disorders is still in its early stages, but what we have seen so far is promising and suggests that this cannabinoid is indeed safe and effective for its management.

The 2015 study revealed that the thyroid is where CB1 and CB2 receptors are concentrated. These are also associated with shrinking thyroid tumours, which also means it has the potential to reduce tumours. There are other studies that show CBD is beneficial for thyroid health as CB1 receptors help regulate T3 and T4 thyroid hormones.


The stress hormone cortisol is important in letting us know if there is impending danger. Often, especially in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and exposed to chronic stress and danger, cortisol levels tend to remain high.

CBD is known for its ability to relax and relieve stress. It helps to calm the GABA neurotransmitters, which then reduces nervous system stress.CBD also affects cannabinoid receptors located in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that is connected to the adrenal glands. As a result of this interaction, the production of cortisol is reduced, thus allowing us to relax.