Diabetes complicated by localised ischaemia is a serious condition that can affect the health of patients very severely, resulting in often poor health. And recently, scientists have discovered that CBD has a significant alleviating effect on this symptom. Although CBD is not the ultimate treatment, it is a perfect solution for managing symptoms and relieving discomfort.

Diabetes and Ischemia

Diabetes itself is not scary, what is scary is the complications of diabetes. Once complications occur, especially the various chronic complications, the quality of life of a diabetic will be greatly reduced and in serious cases may be life threatening. Moreover, diabetics are at high risk of contracting other chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease.

Diabetic cardiovascular diseases are microvascular and macrovascular lesions of the cardiovascular system caused by diabetes, mainly including coronary heart disease, diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy and diabetic lower limb arterial lesions. About 1/3 of diabetic patients have hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolaemia. Compared to non-diabetic patients, diabetic patients have high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease, with the highest mortality rate from myocardial infarction. There is no cure for diabetes and it can only be managed through a variety of treatments.

Ischemia, also known as anaemia, is a condition in which the blood supply to various organs such as the brain, heart, liver or any other organ is consistently lower than normal and the blood supplied is not sufficient to meet the metabolic needs of the tissues, and can occur gradually in people with diabetes. Health professionals call it "silent ischaemia" because there are no symptoms and it is too late to detect it. Sometimes, ischaemia can also occur in non-diabetics and vice versa. Brazilian health researchers have found that cerebral ischaemia can eventually lead to dementia and Parkinson's disease.

CBD oils and CBD products

As an extract of medicinal industrial hemp, CBD is one of the most potent single compounds in the world today. Medical hemp has been used for centuries and it is only in the last few years that health professionals have begun to fully research and understand CBD.

Nevertheless, the market today has also long been flooded with all kinds of CBD oils and products made from CBD. People with diabetes and ischaemia are in a position to learn all sorts of information about the best CBD oils and industrial cannabis flowers. However, before trying CBD, it is necessary to understand how it works. In brief, CBD has three benefits for ischaemic diabetes.

Benefits of CBD for ischaemic diabetes

Reduces joint and nerve pain

When organs begin to be damaged, people with diabetes suffer from pain. This is followed by adverse effects on the nervous system, which further exacerbate the pain. Taking the right dose of CBD can make this situation better. Health studies have shown that diabetics who take CBD regularly rarely experience joint and organ pain.

Reducing inflammation

All chronic diseases (the main common chronic diseases are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes etc.) cause damage to the white blood cells and the entire immune system. A compromised immune system can lead to inflammation and even prevent blood from reaching specific areas of the body.CBD oils, extracts, tinctures and products containing CBD are all effective in reducing inflammation.

Promotes blood flow

Blood may not reach certain organs in people with diabetes, leading to ischaemia. This leads to the possibility of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes. In addition to damaged organs that can impede blood flow, high cholesterol can increase blood pressure and damage blood vessels. CBD, on the other hand, has a very good blood pressure regulating effect and can help promote blood flow.

Precautions for use

Ischemic diabetes poses a serious threat to health and even life and all necessary measures should be taken to prevent, control and even cure this disease. However, we do not recommend taking CBD or any other medication without preventive measures. Instead, help should first be sought from a medical specialist. Some experienced doctors will be able to recommend the right dose of CBD for the individual patient, and some can even tell you where to buy the most suitable CBD product.

If you decide to use CBD as a solution, accept the advice of your health professional's guidance and stick to it to achieve the desired results. Under normal circumstances, CBD can be taken at the same time as most other medications.