The years are never so gentle on mothers, as a US study claims that women age about 11 years more than their peers on a cellular level after giving birth!

ZME Science had posted a scientific news item that roughly meant: A team of researchers from George Mason University in Virginia, USA, analysed DNA data from about 2,000 women aged 20-44 and found that having or not having children significantly altered the genetic markers of their telomeres.

The simple fact is that it is the telomeres of the body that determine whether we age or not, and having children shortens our telomeres and ages us rapidly by a rate of about 11 years. You know, smoking only accelerates it by 4.6 years, while obesity only accelerates it by 8.8 years. What's even more alarming is that the more children you have, the shorter your telomeres shrink and the faster you age!

Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting can have a huge impact and change on a woman, not only in terms of her looks and figure, but also in terms of her identity, her psyche and her whole state of life. Although many times they are also upset, anxious and depressed, there is always a force that brings them back to peace and renewal: the power of maternal love.

With Mother's Day just around the corner, NMN fights time elegantly with mothers.

I. NMN prevents the occurrence of gynaecological diseases.

The ovaries are an important factor in keeping a woman young and ageing. If not taken care of, they can lead to premature ovarian failure, resulting in premature aging of the body and consequently the skin. Therefore, it is of great concern to women to maintain better health and mental well-being in a shorter period of time and to prevent premature ovarian failure and gynaecological diseases.

According to the normal physiological cycle, women's ovaries are active between the ages of 25 and 35, and gradually decline after the age of 35. During this time, however, some women experience an accelerated 'downward spiral' for a variety of life reasons. The incidence of premature ovarian failure in women of childbearing age is estimated to be at least 1%. The clinical prevalence is much higher than this, so it is important to keep an eye on the ovaries.

A comprehensive NMN survey conducted in 2020 showed that: NMN has a beneficial effect on increasing oocyte NAD+ content, improving egg quality, increasing egg number, increasing conception, improving fertility and delaying premature ovarian failure.NMN has a beneficial effect on women's gynaecological health.

II. NMN Boosts the Body's Immunity.

NMN plays a key role in the human immune system. increased levels of NAD+ may reduce ageing and certain gynaecological inflammatory conditions. deficiency of NAD+ inhibits oxidation-reduction reactions, resulting in the loss of essential substrates for enzymes;

The lack of sufficient energy then disrupts DNA expression and repair and causes inflammation and a decline in metabolism, leading to recurrent and prolonged episodes of gynaecological inflammation, which affects the quality of life, the life of the couple and, in serious cases, leads to infertility and other gynaecological conditions with unimaginable consequences.

Studies continue to show that when NAD+ is at optimal levels, it reduces many of the conditions associated with gynaecological disorders and ageing. Studies have shown that NAD+ levels in the body decline with age.

NMN has a significant boosting effect on the body's NAD+ content. It activates cellular vitality, promotes its own regeneration, prevents ageing, delays ageing, activates the body's immune system, maintains initial active immunity and fights gynaecological diseases.

III. NMN relieves menopausal symptoms.

Post-menopausal women suffer from irritability, irritability and memory loss. NMN, on the other hand, is known to soften blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce muscle relaxation. NMN is synthesised in the body as NAD+, which has the ability to repair DNA, inhibit apoptosis and resist membrane protein damage, preventing and helping to some extent with neurodegeneration during menopause.

NMN has been shown to have a soothing effect on menopausal women, improving cognitive performance and improving menopausal symptoms.

The therapeutic effects of NMN are not limited to inflammation. In February, three new studies on NMN were published, with new findings on NMN including: regulating inflammation, slowing down the ageing of nerve cells and saving women's reproductive organs.

NMN enters the body and is rapidly converted to NAD+, which repairs DNA and extends telomere length.

You were with me when I was young, I was with you when you were beautiful, NMN let time slow down, slow down again.I hope that on Mother's Day many years from now, we can still say this to our mothers: Thank you for raising me, and thank you for still being so beautiful.